
Audio agency Airborne, the self-proclaimed leading podcast specialist in the Netherlands, announces its independence from former parent company ACE, a network of creative and digital agencies. Although the news was released today by creative director Marvin Jacobs, the actual divorce took place on September 1. “To fully realize our innovative vision on digital audio and podcasting, we have jointly chosen to continue independently,” says creative director Jeroen de Bakker. provides more room for partnerships and allows us to further expand our focus and expertise.” Rogier IJzermans, CEO of ACE, seemed to agree with the separation: “Within the course of ACE, Airborne’s specialization is insufficiently aligned (…) We proudly offer Jeroen and Marvin their entrepreneurial freedom and wish them every success in their pursuit of their ambitions. ”

No longer bleeping

Over a ten-year period, the share of time spent listening to podcasts among Latin American podcast listeners grew from one percent to 14 percent – ​​a meaningful wave of adoption. This metric comes from Edison Research, which reports: “In 2014, podcasting was just a blip in the cosmos of Latina audio consumption, accounting for 1% of their roughly five hours of daily audio listening. Fast forward a decade later, and podcasting is now firmly in the American Latino audio lane. It’s not just about multiplying the time spent; Latinos also spend 35% more time on podcasts than the rest of the US population, leading to a migration of listening time to podcasts. Edison predicts a gravitational effect: “Expect their convergence to be the focal point for many audio makers, advertisers and others as they delve into the impact of this Big Bang on the overall audio universe.” READ

Bridging a gap

“A podcast host and a sales manager walk into a bar”… that is the innovative title of a panel session during Advertising Week in New York. Hosted by SoundStack Chief Revenue Officer Rockie Thomas, this session promises to bridge the gap between creativity and business. Ira Glass (Host, This American Life) represents the creative side and will be on one panel chair. For the business perspective, Scott Davis (SVP, National Sales, NPR) will join. “The collaboration and lines of communication between content creators and sales have never been greater than they are today. been more important,” says Thomas. INFO

All about earning

Vancouver-based Steve Pratt, founder of Pacific Content, keynote speaker at RAIN Summits, and most recently founder of TheCreativity Business, has released a new book: Earn It: Unconventional Strategies for Brave Marketers. “Did I deserve it?” he introspects the book launch page. “It’s weird and uncomfortable because, as the person who wrote about working hard, showing up consistently over time and earning attention, today is the day I find out if I ‘earned’ it for you.” His conversation announcement is HERE.

October 4 2024